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Why is wisdom teeth removal important?

Wisdom teeth are third-stage molars compared to other molars. It begins to appear in a person between the ages of 17 and 27 years. Compared to other teeth, wisdom teeth are larger in size. Many people have this kind of wisdom teeth problem. Toothache is most common when wisdom teeth have just started to appear or are advanced.

The problem of wisdom teeth leads to many other problems like tooth decay, bad breath when speaking, etc. In most cases, wisdom teeth removal is a better option. Wisdom teeth are very important for every person, so the decision to remove them should be made early. In the case of wisdom teeth, it is necessary to consult a suitable dentist to ensure it.

What is the purpose of wisdom teeth?

Many researchers believe that wisdom teeth are the result of genetics inherited from our ancestors. In early times, people used to eat hard foods like hard nuts, uncooked meat, leaves, etc. Wisdom teeth help a lot in chewing these foods comfortably. Because of this, wisdom teeth are naturally present in humans, which is why wisdom teeth are still found.

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Why pain in wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth are third-stage molars with very little room for growth. Hence, in the growing stage, they put pressure on the adjacent teeth and cause gum problems. After the growth is complete, there may be pain when chewing food.

Because it is at the last position and the size of the tooth is large, the tooth hurts and the person suffers a lot. Because these molars are at the end, they are also difficult to brush, which can easily trap worms there. This may cause soreness after a few days.

Why is wisdom teeth removal important?

In some cases, wisdom teeth do not cause any kind of problem. However, there are cases where wisdom teethpose a problem.

Here are some reasons for removing wisdom teeth:

-Small particles of food get fixed around the teeth.

-Pain in back teeth.

-Rising gum diseases such as gingivitis or periodontitis.

-Bad breath.

-Cavities are formed on the teeth due to difficulty in brushing the teeth.

These are some of the main reasons for wisdom teeth removal. If this is a problem, it is important to remove it as soon as possible.

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Are there any risks after wisdom teeth removal?

Generally, there are no risks associated with wisdom teeth removal. However, there may be risks after wisdom teeth removal in a few cases.

Here are some potential risks:

-Removing the molars exposes the exterior which can lead to the experience of dry sockets

-Tooth extraction can lead to infection in some cases

-Very hot foods can cause irritation

-Very hard foods can cause irritation

-Ensure soft foods in the diet

-After eating food, wash your mouth properly to prevent bacteria from growing on it.

What are the care instructions after wisdom teeth removal?

Wisdom teeth removal is more painful than other teeth.

Here are some care tips after wisdom teeth removal:

-Take complete rest for at least 2 days or avoid any strenuous activity for these days.

-After removing the wisdom teeth, apply an ice pack on the outer surface of the face.

-Proper application of medications prescribed by the dentist is essential to prevent bacterial growth.

-Gently brush your teeth around the extracted area.

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If you have a wisdom teeth problem then you should visit your dentist in baner for proper advice and get it removed. It can help keep your teeth healthy. The sooner you remove the troublesome wisdom teeth, the better. Diagnosing wisdom teeth early will help you maintain good oral health.