Remedies for plaque removal

Teeth care dental clinic

One of the important reasons to take care of oral hygiene is to control plaque build-up on the teeth. Plaque is a thin yellowish layer that covers the surface of the teeth. It initially appears as a transparent yellowish layer which later thickens. When food particles get stuck in the teeth and are not cleaned properly, bacteria start to build upon them.

Plaque is formed due to the growth of these bacteria. Plaque is an unnecessary deposit on the teeth that causes tooth decay. Different treatments for dental plaque can be used to remove it. It is very important to prevent the development of plaque and clean the plaque from the teeth early.

Otherwise, it forms tartar which seriously affects the teeth. This causes problems up to the bone of the tooth. By now you must be wondering, how to clean your teeth. Well, before we get into that, let’s understand why plaque on teeth is not good for oral health. This will help you understand the importance of dental plaque treatment.

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Why not a plaque on teeth for oral health?

The development of plaque causes many complications in oral health.

Here are some reasons why.

  1. Tartar development

When plaque is not cleared at an early stage, it leads to the development of tartar. Plaque development is much more difficult after tartar removal.

  1. Gum diseases like gingivitis and periodontitis

If you don’t remove plaque from your teeth, it can lead to gum disease problems like gingivitis and periodontitis. This leads to many other gum disease problems.

  1. Bad breath

The development of plaque also causes other oral health problems such as bad breath. It is caused by bacteria due to the development of plaque.

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  1. Tooth loss

When plaque builds up on the teeth beyond a certain limit, it causes various problems in the teeth. This can lead to tooth loss.

Here are some natural ways to remove plaque from teeth:

  1. Brush and floss daily

Brushing and flossing daily is a basic way to remove plaque from teeth. Here, flossing will help remove the food particles that have accumulated in the intricate areas of the teeth, and brushing will clear the development of the plaque layer. Brushing should be done twice a day properly covering all corners of the teeth.

  1. Using orange peel

Orange peels are rich in vitamin C and have various antimicrobial properties that help remove plaque-causing bacteria. Brushing your teeth with orange peel on alternate days helps remove plaque naturally.

  1. Using the right toothpaste

There are innumerable types of toothpaste available in the market. However, toothpaste with good fluoride content is good for removing plaque from teeth. Also, there is some tartar-removing toothpaste that can provide plaque and tartar-free teeth.

  1. Avoid sugary foods

Sugar in food and drinks is a major cause of plaque build-up on teeth. Sugar easily attracts bacteria on the teeth that stay on the teeth for long periods leading to the development of plaque.

Foods like sweets, cookies, candies, etc. contain sugar content and easily stick to the teeth. Also, some soft drinks are high in sugar which creates a layer on the surface of the teeth which leads to the development of plaque.

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  1. Eat more fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are very useful for physical health as well as dental health. Many of them are responsible for removing plaque from teeth. Apples, oranges, carrots, peppers, etc. are useful in removing plaque from teeth.

Although these natural ways are useful for treating dental plaque, it is always better to visit a dental specialist for a check-up. They can analyze the development of plaque in the teeth. In extreme cases, where it is difficult to remove the plaque naturally, dental treatment can remove the plaque. Early plaque removal is essential for oral health.