Orthodontist in Baner

As we age, our teeth become more vulnerable to decay and gum disease. It is important to take care of our teeth in old age to maintain a healthy mouth and avoid dental problems. Taking care of your teeth in old age can be done by visiting your dentist in Baner regularly for check-ups and cleanings, brushing and flossing twice a day, avoiding sugary snacks and drinks, eating a balanced diet rich in calcium and vitamin D, avoiding smoking or drinking alcohol excessively, using fluoride toothpaste or mouthwash, and seeking treatment for any signs of gum disease. By following these tips you can ensure that your teeth remain healthy as you age.

Although we should take care of our teeth at every age, their importance increases in old age. The reason for this is that, with increasing age, our digestive power becomes weak. It takes more time for us to digest food and if our teeth are weak then we will not be able to chew the food properly. This will put more stress on the digestive system and will have far-reaching consequences.

orthodontist in baner

That’s why we must take very good care of our teeth in old age. Let us see some important things that can help you with this.

Brush at least twice

Yes, although people of all ages must brush morning and night, it is mandatory for the elderly. Along with this, it is also good to use good fluoride toothpaste.

Brushing at night greatly reduces the level of bacteria in the mouth and reduces the chances of tooth and gum diseases.

If for some reason the elderly person is unable to brush, then an electric brush should be used.

Use mouthwash after every meal

Although it is a good habit to brush after eating anything, if this is not possible, then rinse with a good mouthwash. This kills the bacteria.

Do mouthwash after eating something sweet. This will keep the teeth healthy.

Increase immunity

Immunity is directly related to our health. If immunity is good in old age, then along with other diseases, the chances of getting dental diseases also decrease.

For this, it is necessary to have good food and regular exercise. It is necessary to eat a balanced diet with a proper amount of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, and to include fruits, green vegetables, and dry fruits in the diet. If you are a non-vegetarian, then you must eat eggs, meat, and fish.

orthodontist in baner

Regular yoga, pranayama, and meditation are very beneficial in increasing immunity. That’s why include them in your daily routine.

Monitor calcium levels

With aging, the amount of calcium in the body decreases. We all know that our teeth are made of calcium. When its quantity in the body decreases, the teeth become weak.

Have regular checkups with the doctor

Although a person of every age must get a checkup done by a dentist at least twice a year, it is mandatory for older people.

With increasing age, many types of problems arise in the teeth and if they are not caught early, they get out of control. That’s why it is necessary to visit the dentist every six months.

It is also important to take the treatments and medicines prescribed by the doctor regularly. Many times, it has been seen that old people either do not show up to the doctor and even if they do show up, they do not get treated.

orthodontist in baner

This makes the problem more serious.

If all the above things are taken care of, then the teeth will remain strong even in old age. Along with this, the body will also remain healthy and will be saved from other problems.

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